
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Citizenship, money

Citizenship, money
Read days from the vision, especially between capital and the feeling Balmuat costing. 0 or money, the sense of alienation. 0 This is not behind me or my vision. 0-1, but only struck me. opinion quoted 0 one of the verses of poetry old. 0 and meaning.
poor 0 in his strange. 0
and the rich in his citizen.
المال و المواطَنة
قرات يوما عن رؤية خاصة بين المال و الشعور بالمواطَنة..0
او المال و الشعور بالغربة..0
ليس هذا رائي او رؤيتي..0
و لكنها فقط لفتت نظري..0
الراي منقول من احد ابيات الشعر القديمة..0
و معناه..0
الفقير في وطنه غريب..0
و الغني في غربته مواطن..0