
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Beauty Eyes

Photo from Church of Coptics
"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good" genesis 1:31
Let`s talk about the meaning of beauty!, Just look around your self, look to the sky, Look to the ground, Yes!.. You can see the wonderful different views of the clouds, Lovely sky with pearls! called stars which are scattered among the black carpet called Sky!..
Look into the ground, Look into the trees in spring with different degrees of green color beside amazing red trees and another green trees with a lot of white flowers.
Indeed the beauty is around us!.
The point is: can you see that beauty?
Can you feel it?
Are you full oriented about it?
Let me say that:
You have to push your eyes to be more sensitive to the beauty around them!
You have to make your eyes more sensitive about the beauty ine the nature.
I wonder how some eyes can not feel these beauty roses, clouds sunrise, wave sea..etc?!
Do some training to your eyes to be beauty eyes so they can feel the beauty more and more.
Then, your soul as well will be saturated with the deep means of life, and the beauty life.

By: Bassem Matta