
Sunday, January 28, 2018

Kristin Knight Stephens

(2017 Doug Keach Award Winner)
Current Position at Graves Gilbert Clinic: Recruiting Manager/ Human Resources.
How long have you worked at Graves Gilbert Clinic?
11 1/2 years
What is your favorite part of your job? 
When I interview people for potential job placements, I almost always ask the question, “What drew you to apply for employment at Graves Gilbert Clinic?” Inevitably and without hesitation, I so often get the same answer, “When I come to Graves Gilbert, it feels like family.” That is a true statement. I enjoy experiencing firsthand the happiness and excitement of those who receive a “You’re hired!” phone call. I love placing those calls. I enjoy taking part in helping GGC hire individuals who will create a wonderful and welcoming environment for our patients and employees.
What originally drew you to working in healthcare?
My first healthcare job was in a cytology lab and then in a physical rehabilitation hospital. From the laboratory to direct patient care–That’s how I fell in love with the medical field.
What is your favorite hobby?
Home decorating
Anything you’d like to share with your family (kids, spouse/partner, pet, etc.)?
I have a wonderful and supportive family. My children and grandchildren are incredible. Each one of my family members is blessed with special talents, and they are genuinely caring people. What more can a person ask for?
Fun/Interesting Fact about you?
I am from New York City but “country primitive” is my style. Odd combination.
Community involvement?
(Church, Little League, Clubs, Volunteer, etc.) I attend Eastwood Baptist Church and love my Sunday School class there. I am a charter member and current Chairperson of the Barren River Local Coordinating Council on Elder Abuse Prevention. We launched this council in January 2004, a very worthwhile venture to provide awareness within our community in hopes of preventing cases of abuse against the elderly population.