
Tuesday, October 16, 2018


" من يغلب فسأعطيه ان يجلس معي في عرشي،
كما غلبتُ انا ايضا و جلستُ مع أبي في عرشه"
رؤيا يوحنا 3 :21

رقد على رجاء القيامة في السيد المسيح له المجد نياحةً، الأب الغالي و حماي، المهندس وجدي نصيف المراغي، نطلب له من الرب نياحاً لروحه الطاهرة في فردوس النعيم قدر احتماله و وداعته و حنوه و صبره و أبوته التي لن تُنسَى.

"To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne."
Revelation 3:21

Today, My Father-in-Law, Eng.Wagdy Nassif, has passed away, We are Asking From the Lord, To rest His Soul in peace with blessings from The Heaven as much as His will, His Kindness,  His patience, and His Paternity that will not be forgotten.

Eng.Wagdy Nassif Ghaly passed away in Cairo, Egypt today, the father of Mrs.Dina Ghaly, the wife of the deacon; Dr.Bassem Matta. We ask the Lord to give thanks to the family and give them patience and peace. The family will receive condolences at Abba Sarapamone Coptic Orthodox Church; 1517 Madison St., Clarksville TN 37040, on Thursday (October 18th) at 6:00 pm.