
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Global Coptic Day 2020

Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

I’m very happy to announce an exciting new contest for this year’s
Global Coptic Day.
As you know, the Feast of the Entry of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy
Family into Egypt is on June 1st, which is also the 2nd Annual Celebration of
Global Coptic Day.
This year, God willing, we will be having a contest for Global Coptic Day
called, “My Coptic Hero” Video Contest. We are asking Copts of all
ages to shoot a one- or two-minute video telling us who is your favorite
Coptic Orthodox Hero and why. There are four categories to choose from: 1)
Male Saints and Clergy (like popes, bishops, priests, monks, or deacons),
2) Female Saints, 3) Martyrs and Confessors (male or female) and 4)
Laypeople (male or female). In your video, you should tell us and show us
who is your hero and why you selected them. You should be creative and use
visuals, icons, or props, and wear costumes, if you like. Any age group
may enter and you may submit videos individually or as a group. The
deadline for submission is on the Apostles’ Feast on July 12th, 2020. On
August 22nd, St. Mary’s Feast, we will announce the winners.
We will select the best three videos from each category. The winning
prizes will be donations from Global Coptic Day to whatever Coptic
Orthodox Church the winner chooses:
$1,000 for 1st place, $750 for 2nd place, and $500 for third place. There will be 12 winning videos in total. You may submit videos from any country and
everyone will have an equal chance to win. Please enter only one category.
To participate, just post your videos on Facebook or Instagram using the
hashtag #GlobalCopticDay and also email them to:
May the Lord bless this service for the glory of His Holy Name through the
intercession of St. Mary, Mother of God, and the prayers of St. Mark the
Evangelist and His Holiness Pope Tawadros II.
Glory be to God forever, Amen.