Attendance and leave.
حضور و انصراف
سرحتُ بافكاري بعيدا و انا اتأمل فيها..
هي مهنتي التي امارسها من سنوات طويلة..
لم اتعلم غيرها..
و لست اعلم لماذا احببتها..
او لماذا يرى الكثيرون انني بارع فيها..
اقوم بتسجيل الحاضرين في دفتر الحضور..
و تسجيل المنصرفبن في خانة الانصراف..
و تعاقب على الهيئة مديرون كثيرون بسياسات مختلفة..
بين متشدد في مسألة حضور الموظفين و انصرافهم..
و بين مرن..
و بين انتقائي.. بمعنى انه ينتقي من يستحق المرونة و من يحتاج لتشدد..
و الجميع وثقوا في امانتي..
كنت آتي مبكرا بطبيعة الحال..
اذكر ان اول حضور لي كان منذ اكثر من ثمانية و خمسين عام..
كان الموظفون يقدرونني.. و يدركون حساسية موقفي..
و كنت ايضا مسئولا عن المتابعة و التدوين الورقي عندما تطور الحضور و الانصراف بالبصمة..
احببت الجداول.. الامضاءات.. التأخيرات.. اتصالات من هم في الطريق..
اتقنتُ عملي تماما.. و ساهم هذا الاتقان المشهود له من رؤسائي في الارتقاء بمعاير الجودة في شئون العاملين..
حتى عندما جاء الينا الـ..
"بيب.. بيب.. بيييييييييييب.."
"الحقنا يا دكتور.. الحقونا.."
تصاعد صوت ابنائي من حولي بعد صوت الصفير الرتيب الذي لم ادري سببه بالضبط.. و رأيت على ما يبدو اطباء او طاقم طبي و اقتربوا مني و..
يبدو انها قد حانت الآن..
لحظة الانصراف..
Employment Law: Attendance Rewards - Legal Ramifications
If you were thinking of offering your employees special rewards as incentives for having good attendance records, then you must read on. In fact, employers that offer attendance bonuses may find themselves falling foul of the law.
The Royal Mail introduced a rewards scheme for staff that did not to take time off sick. Under the Royal Mail's scheme, workers with full attendance records were entered into a prize draw to win Ford Focus cars or holiday vouchers worth £2,000. As a staff incentive, it seemed to work. The Royal Mail says its overall sickness absence levels fell during a nine-month period (between August and April) by 11%.
However, such schemes could have serious ramifications from a legal viewpoint, and leave employers vulnerable to a variety of legal claims.
Employees could bring discrimination claims on the grounds of disability or sex. The success of these claims would depend on each employee's particular circumstances and needs, whether in relation to their family, religion or health. Alternatively, qualifying employees could bring claims for being subjected to detriment treatment as a result of asserting their statutory rights, for example, for:-
Time off for dependants and antenatal care; Time off for study or training or time off for jury service Maternity leave; Adoption leave; or Paternity or parental leave;
Disability discrimination may occur if, for example, an employee had time off connected to a disability and this was not taken into account by the employer under the reward scheme. The employee might claim that the failure of the employer to set aside his/her absence for disability related reasons amounted to less favourable treatment. How can employers protect themselves from such claims?
Employers can avoid these pitfalls by including a list of exceptions in the reward scheme, for example, jury service or study leave, taking into account any statutory rights to time off; or Pay bonuses to employees connected to performance in their job rather than implementing an attendance reward. Employers should be wary of adopting an attendance bonus scheme without legal consultation.
Oli Osorhan