الثانوية العامة
بدأت صباح اليوم امتحانات الثانوية العامة
مثلما بدأت منذ عشرين سنة
حيث اجتزتها اول مرة
و بدأت رحلتي شديدة الخصوصية
من الصدمة
مثل هذه النبتة
التي تظهر في الصورة التي التقطتها من احدي زوايا عملي الحالي
نائبا لرئيس قسم الدرن
النبتة التي تنمو في المستحيل
و تكبر
رغم كل القوى المناوئة
هكذا كنت محاطا بمعونة الهية فريدة
افتخر كثيرا بهذه الرحلة
In today’s competitive environment learning is not only your target. You must try to get better grads in your academics. Your grads are primary measurement of your skill. If you earn good grads in your academics is gives you better chance for next admission or in finding job.
Below are the some tips for getting better grades in high school.
Attend your class regularly
If you choose traditional high school study you should attend class regularly. Many students skip the classes. There are many reasons to attend your classes regularly.
Getting handy class material: Many professors give some handy tips, short cuts for easily memorize lessons. This will help you to increase your learning speed.
Earn attendance point: Many school and collages give extra points for regular attendance. These points are directly calculated into final grad. So, attending regular class directly affect your grad.
Be organized
You should organize yourself for better management of time. In high school you have to do multi tasking. You should maintain personal planner for keep tracking on your class assignment and exams due dates. Create dedicated area in your home for study so you can easily concentrate in your study.
Set goal and try to achieve it
Set realistic goal and do proper planning for achieve it. Goal may be anything like doing assignment work, reading class note. Set day to day goal and try to achieve it.
Use Time sensibly
Use your time wisely for handling multi tasking. Time is most crucial factor for high school students. You should maintain discipline in your work. Do smart work rather then only hard work. If you have large work then you have to develop ability to break it into small manageable parts so you can easily execute your work.
Take regular break between your works. Consider break as reword. Do some other activity in break time and refresh yourself for next task.
Use text books
You should read text books for every subject. Text book will cover all topics for particular course. When you read any course material use outline system for comprehend that material. Make separate note for reading material this will help you lot in exam time.
Improve your writing skill
Good writing skill adds extra advantage in your academics. During the whole term you have to write many assignments, term papers and case studies as per course requirements. If you have good writing skill then it helps in your study.