احلى ما في خطاب اوباما
إن الفترة الزمنية التي نعيش فيها جميعا مع بعضنا البعض في هذا العالم هي فترة قصيرة والسؤال المطروح علينا هو هل سنركز اهتمامنا خلال هذه الفترة الزمنية على الأمور التي تفرق بيننا أم سنلتزم بجهود مستديمة للوصول إلى موقف مشترك وتركيز اهتمامنا على المستقبل الذي نسعى إليه من أجل أبنائنا واحترام كرامة جميع البشر
The meaning of life, as long as the word “meaning" has a meaning to it like having your health and happiness then the meaning of life will mean living life to the full. Whereas in contrast, deteriorating health in ones body and gloom in ones habitat, then the meaning of life becomes not so meaningful.There are so many happenings and reasons in our life throughout the years of our existence on this earth which encourages us all to look at life differently to that of others, however, feelings are feelings and emotions - emotions that we were all blessed with at birth, so, the biggest majority of the world population will see eye to eye on the whole entity of life, when love is all around. Loving someone and have them love you back gives meaning to our lives. Loving who you are and all that encompasses your presence and loving god, surely are all positive symbols that prove that this is all it takes to make the world a better place. A global spread of blissful happiness includes having settlement of mind, i.e. peace in your life. A stranger is a friend you have never met who loves loving too, so start to today and make the world you live in a better place by making friends. What is that true saying “all good things come to an end", how very true, therefore leaving us with meanings that makes no sense? Now we have to contend with the most evil contender of all, hate. Hatred is a powerful emotion that can hamper how a person thinks and behaves. It is because of hate we find ourselves living in a world full of sorrow and grief where we are slowly drowning in our own tears. Millions and millions of people from all around the world in synchronised thought has begun to question - just what is the meaning of life, when they have lost the will to live.Love and harmony the perfect duo a match made in heaven, and that is where you end up when you feel your life has no meaning. Life is short so live it to the full. Make your life meaningful and live as long as you can and die when can not help it.