Japan.. New strain.
سلالة جديدة لإنفلونزا الخنازير باليابان
حذر خبراء الصحة في اليابان من تفشي سلالة جديدة من فيروس "أتش1 أن1" المعروف بإنفلونزا الخنازير في البلاد.وذكرت هيئة الإذاعة والتلفزيون اليابانية NHK أمس أن خبراء من المعهد القومي للأمراض المعدية عبروا عن اعتقادهم بأن معظم المرضى أصيبوا بالسلالة الجديدة في ضوء أنه من النادر أن تتفشى الإنفلونزا الموسمية في أوج الصيف.وقال المعهد إن عدد حالات الإصابة بالمرض المبلغ عنها بلغ 7750 إصابة في الأسبوع الذي سبق 16 أغسطس/آب، بارتفاع أكثر من ثلاثة آلاف عن الأسبوع السابق.وفي هذه الأثناء حثت خبيرة في منظمة الصحة العالمية الحكومات على الاستعداد لموجة ثانية من الإصابات بالمرض، داعية الحكومات إلى التفكير في القرارات الخاصة بتعميم اللقاحات.وقالت مارغريت شان في كلمة متلفزة عرضت خلال ندوة عقدت ببكين حول انتشار إنفلونزا الخنازير في منطقة آسيا والباسيفيكي "لا يمكننا القول إن المراحل الصعبة قد ولت، إنها لم تأت بعد".وأضافت أن قضية تأمين اللقاحات يجب أن توضع في الحسبان مع انخراط عشرات شركات الأدوية على مستوى العالم في تجارب لتصنيع لقاحات آمنة وفعالة.خبيرة بمنظمة الصحة العالمية قالت إن عشرات الشركات تواصل العمل لإنتاج لقاح آمن وفعال (رويترز-أرشيف)في السياق ذاته حذر مسؤولون أميركيون من أن إنفلونزا الخنازير تواصل تفشيها الواسع النطاق في أنحاء الولايات المتحدة وأن 75% من الحالات الخطرة و60% من الوفيات تحت سن التاسعة والأربعين.وأبلغ الدكتور جاي بتلر من المراكز الأميركية لمكافحة الأمراض والوقاية منها الصحفيين في إفادة هاتفية، أن المراكز أكدت رسميا 7963 ألف حالة إصابة بالمرض و522 حالة وفاة بسبب وباء "أتش1 أن1".يشار إلى أن المرض حصد حتى الآن نحو 1800 ضحية على مستوى العالم حسب أرقام منظمة الصحة العالمية وجرى تصنيفه كوباء.وفيات جديدةوفي موضوع ضحايا المرض في الوطن العربي، قال بيان لوزارة الصحة الإماراتية إن رجلا هنديا في الثالثة والستين كان يعالج من أعراض إنفلونزا الخنازير في أحد المستشفيات توفي أمس الجمعة. وأشار البيان الذي بثته الوكالة الرسمية إلى أن المرض كان قد نقل إلى المستشفى بعد تفاقم حالته حيث كان يعاني من آلام في الصدر والرئتين وأعراض "أتش1 أن1".وفي إسرائيل أعلنت كذلك وفاة جديدة بإنفلونزا الخنازير مما رفع عدد الوفيات الإجمالي بالمرض إلى 12.وذكرت الإذاعة الإسرائيلية العامة أن طفلة في الرابعة من العمر من سكان قرية أم الغنم توفيت اليوم بمستشفى هعيمق في العفولة جراء إصابتها بفيروس "أتش1 أن1".وفي هولندا سجلت ثاني وفاة بالمرض لشخص في الثامنة والخمسين من العمر حسب بيان للمعهد الوطني للصحة والبيئة.ديوك الحبشمن جهة ثانية أعلنت السلطات الصحية في تشيلي اكتشاف فيروس "أتش1 أن1" في ديوك حبشية بمزرعتين، لتكون هذه أول حالة يكتشف فيها هذا الفيروس خارج الخنازير والبشر.تحذيرات في أميركا من استمرار تفشي إنفلونزا الخنازير (رويترز-أرشيف)وقالت وكالة الزراعة والماشية الحية إن هناك سيطرة على انتشار الفيروس في المزرعتين الواقعتين على بعد 170 كيلومترا غرب العاصمة سانتياغو.وقال بيان الوكالة "ندعو الناس إلى تناول منتجات الديوك الحبشية بثقة"، وأضافت أن النتائج المعملية استبعدت وجود فيروس "أتش5 أن1" أي فيروس إنفلونزا الطيور.كما أفادت دراسة فرنسية بأن نصف من تقتلهم إنفلونزا الخنازير هم أشخاص معرضون كالحوامل والمصابين بالبول السكري والبدانة.
A new strain of swine flu in Japan.
Health experts have warned of an outbreak in Japan, a new strain of the virus, "1 to 1 HTML" swine flu, known in the country. The BBC and NHK Japanese television Monday that experts from the National Institute of Infectious Diseases expressed the belief that most patients were in the light of the new strain, it is rare that the spread of seasonal influenza at the height of summer. The institute said that the number of cases reported was 7750 cases in the week before the August 16 / August, up more than three thousand on the previous week. In the meantime, the expert has urged the World Health Organization for governments to prepare a second wave of casualties of the disease, calling on Governments to consider in decisions on the text of vaccines. Margaret Chan said in a televised speech presented at a symposium held in Beijing on the spread of swine flu in Asia and the Pacific: "We can not say that the difficult stages are over, it is yet to come." She added that the issue of vaccine security must be taken into account with the involvement of dozens of pharmaceutical companies in the world in the testing of vaccines for the manufacture of safe and effective. World Health Organization expert said that dozens of companies continue to work for the production of safe and effective vaccine (Reuters - Archive) in the same context, U.S. officials have warned that the swine flu continues to spread the widespread throughout the United States and 75% of serious cases and 60% of deaths under the age of nine sessions. He informed Dr. Jay Butler from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of journalists in a telephone briefing, stressed that the centers officially 7963 A case of the disease and 522 deaths from the case of "1 to 1 HTML." Referred to the disease so far claimed about 1800 victims in the world, according to WHO figures have been classified as an epidemic. Mortality Jdidpovi the subject of the victims of the disease in the Arab world, said a statement by the UAE Ministry of Health that an Indian man in the sixty-third was treated for symptoms of swine flu in a hospital, died on Friday. The statement quoted by the official agency that the disease had been taken to hospital after the aggravation of his condition, suffering from pain in the chest and lungs, the symptoms of "HTML 1 to 1." In Israel, also announced the death of a new swine flu, bringing the total number of deaths the disease to 12. Israeli public radio said that the girl in the four-year-old resident of the village or the sheep died on a hospital in Afula Haimq infected by "HTML 1 to 1." In the Netherlands recorded the second death of a person infected in the eighth session of the age, according to a statement of the National Institute of Health and Environment. Duke Alhabhman hand, health authorities announced the discovery of the virus in Chile "HTML 1 to 1" in the Duke Hbship Bmzrotain to be the first to detect the virus outside the pigs and humans. American warnings of the continued prevalence of swine flu (Reuters - Archive) The agency said the agriculture and livestock There is control the spread of the virus in the farms located about 170 kilometers west of the capital Santiago. The agency said in a statement: "We call on people to the products of the Abyssinian chicks with confidence", adding that laboratory results ruled out the presence of the virus, "HTML 5 to 1" of any avian influenza virus. The French study reported that half of the pigs were killed by avian influenza are pregnant women and people living with diabetes and obesity
Health experts have warned of an outbreak in Japan, a new strain of the virus, "1 to 1 HTML" swine flu, known in the country. The BBC and NHK Japanese television Monday that experts from the National Institute of Infectious Diseases expressed the belief that most patients were in the light of the new strain, it is rare that the spread of seasonal influenza at the height of summer. The institute said that the number of cases reported was 7750 cases in the week before the August 16 / August, up more than three thousand on the previous week. In the meantime, the expert has urged the World Health Organization for governments to prepare a second wave of casualties of the disease, calling on Governments to consider in decisions on the text of vaccines. Margaret Chan said in a televised speech presented at a symposium held in Beijing on the spread of swine flu in Asia and the Pacific: "We can not say that the difficult stages are over, it is yet to come." She added that the issue of vaccine security must be taken into account with the involvement of dozens of pharmaceutical companies in the world in the testing of vaccines for the manufacture of safe and effective. World Health Organization expert said that dozens of companies continue to work for the production of safe and effective vaccine (Reuters - Archive) in the same context, U.S. officials have warned that the swine flu continues to spread the widespread throughout the United States and 75% of serious cases and 60% of deaths under the age of nine sessions. He informed Dr. Jay Butler from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of journalists in a telephone briefing, stressed that the centers officially 7963 A case of the disease and 522 deaths from the case of "1 to 1 HTML." Referred to the disease so far claimed about 1800 victims in the world, according to WHO figures have been classified as an epidemic. Mortality Jdidpovi the subject of the victims of the disease in the Arab world, said a statement by the UAE Ministry of Health that an Indian man in the sixty-third was treated for symptoms of swine flu in a hospital, died on Friday. The statement quoted by the official agency that the disease had been taken to hospital after the aggravation of his condition, suffering from pain in the chest and lungs, the symptoms of "HTML 1 to 1." In Israel, also announced the death of a new swine flu, bringing the total number of deaths the disease to 12. Israeli public radio said that the girl in the four-year-old resident of the village or the sheep died on a hospital in Afula Haimq infected by "HTML 1 to 1." In the Netherlands recorded the second death of a person infected in the eighth session of the age, according to a statement of the National Institute of Health and Environment. Duke Alhabhman hand, health authorities announced the discovery of the virus in Chile "HTML 1 to 1" in the Duke Hbship Bmzrotain to be the first to detect the virus outside the pigs and humans. American warnings of the continued prevalence of swine flu (Reuters - Archive) The agency said the agriculture and livestock There is control the spread of the virus in the farms located about 170 kilometers west of the capital Santiago. The agency said in a statement: "We call on people to the products of the Abyssinian chicks with confidence", adding that laboratory results ruled out the presence of the virus, "HTML 5 to 1" of any avian influenza virus. The French study reported that half of the pigs were killed by avian influenza are pregnant women and people living with diabetes and obesity