October 15
الخامس عشر من اكتوبر
October 15
الخامس عشر من اكتوبر
أمريكا متفائلة بتوفير لقاح ضد أنفلونزا الخنازير
واشنطن/ أعلنت وزيرة الصحة الأمريكية، كاثلين سيبيليوس، إن الولايات المتحدة متفائلة، بشأن توافر لقاح ضد فيروس أنفلونزا الخنازير بحلول منتصف أكتوبر.وقالت الوزيرة لا زلنا متأملين بتوافر اللقاح بحلول 15 أكتوبر، لكنها حذرت من أن الشخص الملقح لن يتمتع بالمناعة ضد المرض إلا بعد خمسة أسابيع من تلقيه التلقيح، نظرا لضرورة تلقي جرعة الدعم، ولمدة حضانة الفيروس.ولقد أسفرت أنفلونزا الخنازير حتى الآن عن مقتل 477 شخصا في الولايات المتحدة وفق الأرقام الرسمية، وتخشى السلطات موجة عدوى جديدة في فصل الخريف.وكانت منظمة الصحة العالمية قد أعلنت في 11 أغسطس أن عدد الوفيات في العالم وصل إلى 1462
من بين 177457 إصابة في 170 دولة، وأشارت إلى أن العدوى بدأت تتدنى في النصف الجنوبي من الأرض.
America optimistic provide a vaccine against swine flu
A vaccine for avian flu Washington /
The Minister of Health of America, Kathleen Sebeleus, the United States is optimistic on the availability of a vaccine against swine influenza virus by mid-October. The minister said we are still bound also to face the availability of the vaccine by October 15, but warned that the person will not have extremely high immune against the disease only after five weeks of the receipt of vaccination, because of the need to receive a dose of support, and the incubation period the virus. The swine flu has resulted so far killed 477 people in the United States, according to official figures, and authorities fear a new wave of infection in the autumn. The World Health Organization has declared August 11 that the number of deaths in the world arrived in 1462 from among the 177,457 cases in 170 countries, and pointed out that the infection started to decline in the southern half of the land.
A vaccine for avian flu Washington /
The Minister of Health of America, Kathleen Sebeleus, the United States is optimistic on the availability of a vaccine against swine influenza virus by mid-October. The minister said we are still bound also to face the availability of the vaccine by October 15, but warned that the person will not have extremely high immune against the disease only after five weeks of the receipt of vaccination, because of the need to receive a dose of support, and the incubation period the virus. The swine flu has resulted so far killed 477 people in the United States, according to official figures, and authorities fear a new wave of infection in the autumn. The World Health Organization has declared August 11 that the number of deaths in the world arrived in 1462 from among the 177,457 cases in 170 countries, and pointed out that the infection started to decline in the southern half of the land.