Ramadan and Pulmnary Medicine.
أمراض الصدر والصيام
تنقسم أمراض الصدر إلى قسمين:القسم الأول: الحالات الحادة مثلالالتهاب الرئوي والنزلات الشعبية الحادة و الربوية الحادة والدرن الرئوي في ( الثلاث شهور الأولى ) والحالات الحادة لمرضى السدة الرئوية والتمدد الشعبي.والمرضى في مثل هذه الحالات ينصحون بعدم الصيام وذلك حرصاً على صحتهم لأنهم يحتاجون إلى تناول الأدوية والعقاقير وتعليق المحاليل ( الجلوكوز والملح وخلافه ) بصفة منتظمة طوال اليوم.كما أنهم يحتاجون لشرب كميات كبيرة من المياه والسوائل لإذابة الإفرازات الموجودة بالشعب الهوائية مما يقلل لزوجتها ويساعد على طردها خارج الشعب الهوائية، مما يؤدي إلى توسيع هذه الشعب وتسهيل دخول الهواء وخروجه، ويسمح بزوال الأزمات الحادة التنفس والتي يشعر بها مريض الربو الشعبي والحساسية، علماً بان مرضى الدرن الرئوي ( السل الرئوي )، في الشهور الأولى من بدء العلاج ( ثلاث اشهر تقريباً ) يحتاجون إلى التغذية بصورة جيدة وطوال اليوم نظراً لضعف شهيتهم في الشهور الأولى بسبب حدة المرض لذلك يجب على المريض تناول الطعام بكميات صغيرة طوال اليوم وانتهاز كل فرصة لذلك وحتى يستعيد حيويته وترتفع مقاومته للمرض ويعوض الوزن الذي فقده بسبب المرض.القسم الثاني: وتشمل الأمراض المزمنة مثل الربو الشعبي المزمن ( حساسية الصدر ) والدرن الرئوي في الشهور الأخيرة للعلاج ( من الرابع حتى السادس ) والساركويد والتليفات الرئوية البسيطة والتمدد الشعبي والنزلات الشعبية المزمنة.ومن الممكن الصوم في مثل هذه الأمراض وذلك بعد استشارة الطبيب المعالج طبعاً ، وتناول الأدوية والمضادات الحيوية والبخاخات العادية والديسكس وغيرها في الفجر قبل الإمساك وبعد الإفطار ، كما يوجد الآن أدوية ذات المفعول الممتد وتستخدم مرة واحدة يومياً ( مضادات حيوية وبخاخات وغيرها ) ومن الممكن تناولها قبل الإمساك أو بعد الإفطار حسب رؤية الطبيب المعالج ، وعموماً يجب تناول الأغذية المفيدة مثل اللحوم المسلوقة والخضروات الطازجة والمطبوخة الخفيفة والفواكه والسوائل بكثرة في فترة الإفطار .ويجب الابتعاد عن الأطعمة التي تسبب الحساسية، علماً بان المريض هو أكثر من يكون دراية بمسببات الحساسية لديه .كما يجب انتهاز فرصة هذا الشهر الكريم للإقلاع تماماً عن التدخين بالنسبة للجميع وعلى وجه الخصوص الذين يعانون من الأمراض الصدرية ، وذلك لأن شهر رمضان في حكمته الأولى تقوية إرادة الإنسان والبعد عن الشهوات مما يزيد ثقته في نفسه وقدراته التي منحها له الله .
وكل عام وانتم بخير
د/ محمود عبد المجيد محمود
مدير مستشفى الأمراض الصدرية بالعباسية
Diseases of the chest and fasting
Diseases of the chest is divided into two sections: Section I: acute cases such as Pneumonia and acute bronchitis, said the usury and acute pulmonary tuberculosis in (the first three months) and severe cases of COPD patients and expand popular. And patients in such cases are advised not to fast in order to ensure their health because they need to take medication, drugs and suspension solutions (glucose, salt, etc.) on a regular basis throughout the day. They also need to drink large quantities of water and liquids to dissolve existing coral bronchial secretions, which reduces the viscosity and help to people outside the expulsion of air, leading to expansion of these people and to facilitate the entry and exit of air, allowing the demise of the acute respiratory crises and felt by the patient asthma and allergy, the patients with tuberculosis (TB), in the first months of the start of treatment (three months) in need of good nutrition throughout the day due to its poor appetite in the first months because of the intensity of the disease so the patient must eat in small quantities throughout the day and seize every opportunity to do so until restore vitality and increase resistance to disease and compensate for the weight loss due to illness. Section II: The chronic diseases such as Chronic bronchial asthma (sensitivity of the chest), and tuberculosis in the last few months of treatment (from the fourth to sixth), and pulmonary Altlevat Alsarquaid and simple and the expansion of popular and People with chronic bronchitis. It is possible to fast in such diseases, after consultation with the attending physician of course, dealt drugs, antibiotics and sprays and regular Aldiseks and others in the morning before breakfast and after capture, and there are now in force between medicines used once daily (antibiotics and ventilators, etc.) can be dealt with before constipation or after breakfast as the vision of the treating physician and, in general, should be dealt with useful food such as meat and boiled vegetables, fresh and cooked fruits and light and heavy liquids for breakfast. We must stay away from foods that cause allergies, note that the patient is more aware of the causes of the sensitivity it has. Must also seize the opportunity of this holy month to take off from smoking for all and in particular those who suffer from respiratory diseases, because the month of Ramadan, in his wisdom will first strengthen the human dimension of the desires and the more confidence in himself and abilities given to him by God. Every year, you are fine D / Mahmoud Abdel-Meguid Mahmoud Director of Hospital Chest Cairo.
Diseases of the chest is divided into two sections: Section I: acute cases such as Pneumonia and acute bronchitis, said the usury and acute pulmonary tuberculosis in (the first three months) and severe cases of COPD patients and expand popular. And patients in such cases are advised not to fast in order to ensure their health because they need to take medication, drugs and suspension solutions (glucose, salt, etc.) on a regular basis throughout the day. They also need to drink large quantities of water and liquids to dissolve existing coral bronchial secretions, which reduces the viscosity and help to people outside the expulsion of air, leading to expansion of these people and to facilitate the entry and exit of air, allowing the demise of the acute respiratory crises and felt by the patient asthma and allergy, the patients with tuberculosis (TB), in the first months of the start of treatment (three months) in need of good nutrition throughout the day due to its poor appetite in the first months because of the intensity of the disease so the patient must eat in small quantities throughout the day and seize every opportunity to do so until restore vitality and increase resistance to disease and compensate for the weight loss due to illness. Section II: The chronic diseases such as Chronic bronchial asthma (sensitivity of the chest), and tuberculosis in the last few months of treatment (from the fourth to sixth), and pulmonary Altlevat Alsarquaid and simple and the expansion of popular and People with chronic bronchitis. It is possible to fast in such diseases, after consultation with the attending physician of course, dealt drugs, antibiotics and sprays and regular Aldiseks and others in the morning before breakfast and after capture, and there are now in force between medicines used once daily (antibiotics and ventilators, etc.) can be dealt with before constipation or after breakfast as the vision of the treating physician and, in general, should be dealt with useful food such as meat and boiled vegetables, fresh and cooked fruits and light and heavy liquids for breakfast. We must stay away from foods that cause allergies, note that the patient is more aware of the causes of the sensitivity it has. Must also seize the opportunity of this holy month to take off from smoking for all and in particular those who suffer from respiratory diseases, because the month of Ramadan, in his wisdom will first strengthen the human dimension of the desires and the more confidence in himself and abilities given to him by God. Every year, you are fine D / Mahmoud Abdel-Meguid Mahmoud Director of Hospital Chest Cairo.