قال المجربون
طرحت إحدى الصحف البريطانية سؤالا مفاده : ما المال ؟ فكانت الإجابة الفائزة : المال جواز سفر عالمي يمكن لحامله السفر إلى أي مكان ماعدا السماء وهو يجلب أي شي ماعدا السعادة ..
لست ضعيفا !!
لايوجد إنسان ضعيف ولكن يوجد إنسان يجهل في نفسه موطن القوة.
الفاشلون !!
الفاشلون قسمان ! : قسم فكر ولم يفعل . وقسم فعل ولم يفكر
الحكمة !!
الحكمة !!
نتاج عقول نابهة لتقتات به عقول الآخرين الكبر !! قيل : ماوجد أحد في نفسه كبرا إلا من مهانة يجدها في نفسه - إذا أصاب أحدكم وداً من أخيه فليتمسك به فقلما يصيب ذلك
ثلاث !!
ثلاث !!
قال أحد الحكماء : ليس لثلاث حيلة : فقر يخالطه كسل ، وخصومة يخامرها حسد ، ومرض يمازجه هرم .
قوام الحرب !!
قوام الحرب !!
قال نابليون : قوام الحرب ثلاثة : المال والمال والمال
الكناس !!
الكناس !!
الكناس رجل مهمته النظافة ،ويحتقره أناس مهمتهم القذارة .
زيادة !!
زيادة !!
يقول الرافعي : إذا لم تزد شيئا على الدنيا كنت زائدا فيها .
خيانة !!
خيانة !!
كفى بالمرء خيانة ، أن يكون أمينا للخونة .
غرور !!
غرور !!
قيل : من رضي على نفسه ، كثر الساخطون عليه
الحذاء الضيق !!
الحذاء الضيق !!
قيل : ما فائدة الدنيا الواسعة ، إذا كان حذائك ضيقا ..
الفارغ !!
الفارغ !!
الرجل الذي لا رأي له كمقبض الباب يستطيع أن يديره كل من شاء
العلم بلا عمل !!
العلم بلا عمل !!
لو كان للعلم من دون التقى شرف ،،، لكان أشرف خلق الله إبليس ... لكي تنجح يجب عليك فعل الأشياء التي تظن أنك لا تستطيع فعلها
Said Stagers Raised a question that British newspapers: What money? The winning answer was: global capital passport holder can travel to any place except the sky which brings anything except happiness .. I'm not weak!! No human being is weak, but there are ignorant people in the home of the same force. Duds!! Duds sections! : Department of thought did not do. Section do not think Wisdom!! Nabhp product to feed the minds of the great minds of others!! It was said: to find one in the same Kpra only find humiliation in itself - if you hit a friendly Fletmsk it from his brother that rarely affects Three!! One of the wise: It is not a three-trick: poverty beyond laziness, Ikhamrha envy and hostility, and disease Imazjh pyramid. The strength of the war!! Napoleon said: the strength of the war three: money, money, money Sweeper!! Sweeper man his hygiene, and people Ihtqrh their filth. Increase!! Al-Rafii says: If you do not score anything on the floor where you are plus. Betrayal!! One is enough treachery, that the Secretary of the traitors. Arrogance!! It was said: It may itself, by the many disgruntled Narrow shoes!! It was said: What is the use of broad minimum, if your shoes tight .. Empty!! The man who has no opinion Kmqd section can be managed by each of the willing Science without work!! If the flag without the privilege of meeting,,, he oversaw the creation of God the devil ... To succeed you must do the things that you think you can not do
Said Stagers Raised a question that British newspapers: What money? The winning answer was: global capital passport holder can travel to any place except the sky which brings anything except happiness .. I'm not weak!! No human being is weak, but there are ignorant people in the home of the same force. Duds!! Duds sections! : Department of thought did not do. Section do not think Wisdom!! Nabhp product to feed the minds of the great minds of others!! It was said: to find one in the same Kpra only find humiliation in itself - if you hit a friendly Fletmsk it from his brother that rarely affects Three!! One of the wise: It is not a three-trick: poverty beyond laziness, Ikhamrha envy and hostility, and disease Imazjh pyramid. The strength of the war!! Napoleon said: the strength of the war three: money, money, money Sweeper!! Sweeper man his hygiene, and people Ihtqrh their filth. Increase!! Al-Rafii says: If you do not score anything on the floor where you are plus. Betrayal!! One is enough treachery, that the Secretary of the traitors. Arrogance!! It was said: It may itself, by the many disgruntled Narrow shoes!! It was said: What is the use of broad minimum, if your shoes tight .. Empty!! The man who has no opinion Kmqd section can be managed by each of the willing Science without work!! If the flag without the privilege of meeting,,, he oversaw the creation of God the devil ... To succeed you must do the things that you think you can not do